Playing the connoisseur
Sakoon Singh
Rashmi Oberoi
Rashmi Oberoi has
led a quiet iterant
childhood and
youth in colonial,
leafy cantonment
t o w n s / o l d
boarding schools of India
owing to an army upbringing
and that is quite apparent in
her sensibility. Cosmopolitan
but understanding cultural
diversity, with an intimate feel
for pan- Indian local milieus.
The constant refrain of
rootlessness is adequately
compensated by a rich tapestry
of lived experiences, shuffling
dozen friendships in a year and
an equal number of schools
through student life. It imparts
a certain resilience, adaptability
and openness that one
embraces as a strength as one
enters the real world after the
glass menagerie of cantonment
life comes to an end with the
dependent status.
It perhaps also signifies, all
that was right with a certain
educated, urban, liberal
minded class in India that were
ensconced in national service
and through myriad postings,
got a feel of what “real” India is
all about. Or maybe ‘real India’
is a chimera, your India is not
mine and mine has nothing in
common with yours. Nowhere
else does the postmodern
fluidity of meaning apply more.
All such theoretical
assumptions notwithstanding,
it can be safely said that this, at
a certain point in India was a
“good” life to aspire for.
Oberoi’s peripatetic life has
brought her face to face with a
multitude of individuals and
she does come across as a
people’s person who writes
about them with good humour
and sympathy. She evokes the
gentler times when you
laughed with people rather
than at them. “Blues, Hues and
All things Wonderful” is a
collection of middles and short
pieces on a variety of subjects.
Some of these have been earlier published by her in
national magazines and
newspapers where she is a
regular contributor. This is her
third book- earlier two having
done by Writer’s Workshop:
(My Friends at Sonnenshine :
1999 and Cherie: The Cocker
Spaniel : 2009), the latter of
which is a children’s book. She
vouches for friendships across
differences and in “ Of
Friendships and Holiday Cheer”
displays a fauji grit in tracing
down a friend from Tibet she
had known in youth and lost
touch with.
The reunion is typically
cathartic, drowned in bowls of
thupka and momos. Oberoi is
quite clearly a foodie and a
travel junkie, a fact that is quite
palpable in her writing. The
pieces, which are otherwise
disparate, can be read in
conjunction with these
interests of her life. She plays
quite the connoisseur with her
discretionary powers when it
comes to describing food. So
there are pieces on North
Eastern food, mangoes, chillies
and “Kalari”- a special cheese
from Jammu, etc. She of course,
eventually connects the gastronomical with the
Her warmth with the friends
of her youth is reminiscent of
the pre liberalisation Mills and
Boons fed, many secret
sharing, 3 am marathon phone
call, you-will-always-have-myback girl friendships that
started in the school dorms and
carried on to giving you counsel
through the tough times of
your adult life. The real flesh
and blood friendships when
hours did not matter and you
chose to see the world together
through rose tinted glasses.
She has also stepped out of the
“babalog” confines of a
privileged upbringing by trying
to always look over and under,
that picture: trying to find her
stories more like an
Oberoi’s peripatetic
life has brought her
face to face with a
multitude of
individuals. She
comes across as a
people’s person who
writes about them
with good humour
and sympathy. She
evokes the gentler
times when you
laughed with people
rather than at them.
She has several real life
travelling anecdotes which
come in all kinds of after taste:
so she is delighted at some and
sorely disappointed at others.
She meets interesting people in
her journeys, like in “ Of Chance
Meetings and Learnings” set
largely in an airport, she bumps
into this quasi researcher
woman working on solar dryers, proceeding to Bhopal to
learn classical music, her long
cherished passion. So it is
typical of Oberoi, in her spirit to
delve deeper, and as an aside,
to give an anecdotal but well
informed low down on solar
dryers and how it benefits the
fisherman community,
particularly not very affluent
Like it is a virtue of a novelist
to be able to procure nuggets
of information about the
subject at hand, she does
inform you about common as
well as esoteric subjects,
whether it is varieties of really
hot chillies found in India or it
is a vehicle called segway. That
is the delight of the pieces and
also a use.
The pieces are succinct and
sparkling with wit- they are
frothy and make for smooth
reading. It’s a kind of book you
could take on a vacation with
you and read spread-eagled on
a pacific beach. It’ll give you the
chuckles while you’ll get to
know a thing or two. Primarily,
it boils down to this: a
sympathetic understanding of
the world is as important as a
strident confrontation.